What's New Revue for Monday 10/5

George T.
on 10/4/09 6:05 pm - Grand Prairie, TX
Good morning all.  It is a wonderful day here in Texas.  Nice and cool.  Temperature is 59 degrees or so and not getting much higher than 70 today.  The A/C is turned off in my house.

Wednesday, Mary and I are going to the State Fair.  Taking one of the gals that works with me on my part time job.  She is a sweetie.  Have know her a while.  Met her at the job when I hired her.  She has been over the house for Thanksgiving.  Try to take care of her.

Not much else going on in my world.  The baseball season is over for me.  The good news yesterday was the Cowboys LOST.  And I won $20 on a football pot for their game.  YES!!!

So, what are you up to?

GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!                   

on 10/4/09 6:35 pm - Bradenton, FL
Good Morning George,
Im up to nothing so far. I want to win 20.00...... I should have bet with a friend of mine that the Bronclos would win and they did!!!!! but Im not a gambler.
Well it is 434 and I need to shut my eyes again. Ihad a low blood sugar reaction about 2pm and I am feeling the aftermath of that.
Talk to you later.
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George T.
on 10/4/09 7:03 pm - Grand Prairie, TX
I am not really a gambler either (except in Vegas or Shreveport - and then it is only a couple of hundred).  We play what they call a ten liner.  It costs $2 to play.  Each person puts their name in one of 10 blocks.  Then you draw the numbers 0 to 9.  If the total matches the last digit of the total for the Cowboy game, you win.  It pays half time and final score.  Yesterday, the number was 7 for both halves (10-7 at half and 17-10 final) and I had 7.

GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!                   

Margo M.
on 10/4/09 8:06 pm, edited 10/4/09 8:06 pm - Elyria, OH
good monday morning!!!

did that sound convincing????? gosh i really do NOT like mondays---i have tempered that-used to say i hated them!!!!

we spent some serious time yesterday discussing "afterlife" wishes--michael has been adamant in past about some things( absolutely NO funeral for example) and we had to talk them thru to make sure he still feels that way and that the surviving spouse can carry them out and deal with them..he prompted this conversation so i let it flow....i was able to get him to agree to a memorial for his family-not a showing or funeral- we both wish cremation when our times come.and he will be memorialized along with me on a granite cemetery bench--- i know this may sound morbid--got an email a few days ago from maryann with some interesting tombstones and one had a wonderful bench with a stuffed scarecrow sitting on it-we both liked that idea--to have a place to rest! not much more costly than traditional stones....anyhow, i told you he is frightened-i am thinking terrified is a better word last nite-however; he is facing some realities that he was ignoring in past -and so that is good- rational decisions are being made---since he still has adult children, i don't want any misconceptions about "what he would want"

i did the walmart thing=actually got a sock and shoe on- felt good to walk and push my cart instead of the wheelycart last week but my ankle was quite sore when i got home!the shoe was actually two fold-of course cuz it looks better! but i wanted to try to match to a purse and boy was i way off base! glad i wore the shoes!!! looked at a really cute top that i could wear for work-then saw it had a miley cyrus label--ummmmi'm not sure i wanna wear junior clothes!!would have bought the largest size but still- a head thing.....

didn't really DO anything else worthwhile yesterday---oh yea- loaded AND unloaded the dishwasher !last nite; i caught myself getting totally lost in facebook land and genealogy land...there was a show on TLC about two women who were hoarders-it was very interesting and identified some issues i have tho my house is no where near  AS bad as theirs i still feel like it is...the emotional reasons make more sense and i am trying to identify mine...and i feel hope for me knowing what we HAVE accomplished to get rid of and clean etc....we watched a murder mystery masterpiece theater and went to bed--i'm not usually a fan of those but this one sucked us both in....

today is work and packing an overnite bag for michael "in case" for tomorrow.

a few of our "family" are travelling-safety wishes to them!

hugs and prayers to all.....

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


Pat R.
on 10/4/09 9:42 pm - Sturgis, MI
Morning all:
Aren't you lucky, George!  I don't gamble either, cause I surely wouldn't win.  I've been playing farkle on FB and it absolutely hates me, so I'm not doing that anymore....my DS has a score of 11,900 - and I can't seem to get anything but "farkles".   OH Well....

Margo, my late hubby and I had that same conversation about funeral wishes....he even went so far as to name his pallbearers and who he wanted to sing "The Old Rugged Cross".....it was awful for me, but I'm glad we did it......

Still saying prayers for Margo and Michael, and everyone else who needs them....Wonder how Linda S. is doing?

Off to work this morning....they are promising sunshine but cool temps.   Tonite is my Support Group - hope we have a good turnout, lately it's been pretty small.   We do have really good discussions and sharing so guess that's what it's all about.  We are going to talk about lab work or try to -- last time two of my guys got started on a discussion and we never get back to labs.

Better get breakfast now.   Make this week a good one if you can.

Pat R.  


(on MySpace, MSN, Web pages, Blogs...)
Done! Your Ticker: 
on 10/4/09 11:37 pm - Alexander, AR
Oh Margo, I sure wish I could be there to give you a big hug and hold your hand through this. What a difficult time for both of you. If there is anything I can do, even if it's just listening, you know my phone #.

Glad your ankle is well enough for a shoe, even if it's just for a bit. Sounds like you're getting better, and that's always a good thing.

Please take care of yourself and know you're in my thoughts and prayers!



Eileen Briesch
on 10/4/09 11:49 pm - Evansville, IN

My cousin Patty and I had a long discussion on funerals and memorials as we talked about my Aunt Bernice (her mom). She said when her ex-husband died, she had a memorial service for him (even though they were divorced, she still felt something for them, they were still friends and he was the father of her children). He had told her many years before he didn't want a wake or a big funeral. So they had a memorial service and luncheon at a restaurant. They had all his favorite foods and drinks, played his favorite songs, had photos of him around the area and told stories about him. It wasn't a sad occasion at all.

That's what I want ... I want a party, not a sad occasion. No wake, no funeral Mass, because I'm not that religious. And then I want to be cremated and taken back to a favorite area in Montana (but now I don't know if anyone will know where it is ... Margie knew, but she's gone, and it's really not on a map).

I always hated going to wakes and funerals. I know they're for the living to say goodbye, but I'd rather say my goodbyes to the living and not the dead. It's why I feel I have unfinished business with Margie, because I never got to say goodbye, because she went so suddenly.

So love him now, cherish him ... I know you've had your differences, but put them aside and remember the good times because too quickly everything can be gone. I don't know Michael other than in your posts, but he is in my thoughts, as are you. Stay strong for him, Margo, he will need you.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




George T.
on 10/5/09 8:48 am - Grand Prairie, TX
I understand the downer it is having the conversation, but it is important, especially with his health issues right now. 

I have had a basic talk with my family already.  They know that I want to be cremated and my ashes spread on a baseball field.  Even if it is only a Little League field where Eddie will be playing, that is my wishes.  Also, at my memorial service, the one song that must be sung is "Because He Lives".

GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!                   

on 10/5/09 9:08 am - Interlochen, MI
Margo,  I'm not very good at comforting words, but I want you to know that I along with all of your other OFF friends are praying for you and Michael, and keeping you both in our thoughts.  Take care and know we're here for you.

It is what it is.
If He brings you to it, He'll bring you through it...

Jo W.
on 10/4/09 11:29 pm - Owosso, MI
Morning OFF
Seems like forever since Ive been here.  Where does time go?   Spent good bit of time with mom last week,  one day  she accused me of trying to poison her with spoiled food and the next cried because I had to go home.  Its so hard seeing her when shes not  herself!  That crabby cranky confused whiny woman is not my mom.   My mom is the sweet laid back lady whom everyone likes.    I love her either way. 
My Bitty boots is doing better,   she seems to find healing in nature. After a shrink session or a bad dream or some bad memory surfaces,  she is scrambling for her jacket and boots and demanding for a woods walk  as she calls them.   off we go for a stroll in the woods looking for pretty leaves or flowers or anything to distract her and she comes home better.    Guess God knew what he was doing when He created all this loveliness called nature.
Getting ready for a busy day here  have a lady coming to clean my house in exchange for several hrs of my altering some clothes for her.   Good deal for us both as I still cant vacuum or sweep and mop with this stupid arm  still healing,
Prayers going up for all those in need.  Special prayers for Michael and Margo to marrow.  
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